PhD Position: PhD at the crossroads of transportation, machine learning, and optimization


Title: PhD at the crossroads of transportation, machine learning, and optimization

Uiversity: University Gustave Eiffel and ENTPE (Post-graduate School of Transport and Civil Engineering)

Project description

Developing transport foundation models
Bicycle-inclusive transport network design
Shared electric vehicle fleet management and EV charging infrastructure planning
Design of zero-emission zones in urban areas

: Supervisory team


Master’s degree with a research-based thesis in a relevant quantitative field (by September 2024)
Good understanding of optimization, machine learning, and transportation systems
Coding skills with Python
Excellent written and oral communication skills in English (primary working language)
Knowledge of French or strong willingness to learn
No restriction based on nationality, but non-European degrees require prior doctoral school approval

:How to apply

If you’re interested, send an email titled “PhD prospect MEGA” to with
Your preferred topic(s)
Your CV
Links to your thesis, publications, repositories, or websites (under 15MB total)


More information about the position: Link



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